Business Planning in Monroe, LA
Internal business planning will only get your company so far. You also need expert legal business planning in Monroe, LA.
Enter Niswanger Law. We have emerged as the best choice for business law in Monroe, LA for good reason.
Consider the merits of our business planning legal services.
You’ll find our assistance helps protect everything you have worked so hard to build, setting the stage for you to rapidly scale and add to your bottom line.
How We Help With Business Planning
Choosing & forming the best business entities, such as LLC, corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, etc.;
Choosing the best jurisdiction, whether a US state or foreign nation, for your entity;
Converting an existing business to a new type of entity, such as from a corporation to an LLC;
Asset protection planning to limit your exposure to creditors, predators, lawsuits, etc.;
Drafting & negotiating ownership agreements, such as operating agreements, partnership agreements, by-laws, & buy-sell agreements;
Buying an existing business;
Buying out existing owners or admitting new owners;
Selling a business;
Drafting & negotiating business contracts, such as franchise agreements, dealer/distributor agreements, licensing agreements, management agreements, employment agreements, noncompete or nonsolicit agreements, confidentiality or nondisclosure agreements, noncircumvention agreements, leases, etc.;
And much more!
Starting, Merging, and Acquiring a Business
Starting a new business is laden with inherent challenges. Alternatively, if you have already created a business, your challenge might be merging with another enterprise or acquiring a new company.
Instead of attempting to navigate the legal maze on your own, lean on Niswanger Law for guidance.
We provide entrepreneurs with assistance in the formation of new LLCs in full compliance with the idiosyncratic rules of Louisiana law.
Our business planning attorneys also help ease the challenge of acquiring or merging with another enterprise.
Let us sweat all the subtleties of the law—including bureaucratic requirements—and you’ll be liberated to narrow your focus on your business.
Our assistance with business planning sets the stage for your company to hit the ground running.
Our Monroe, LA business planning specialists make it easy to choose and form the optimal business entity, be it an LLC, partnership, corporation, or sole proprietorship.
Our assistance even extends to helping you select the best juprisdiction for incorporating a business, be it right here in Monroe, Louisiana, another state, or even another nation.
If you already own a business, Niswanger Law will help you convert it to a new entity to minimize your tax burden and legal liability. As an example, it might make sense to transition from a corporation to a limited liability company or vice versa.
We also help business owners safeguard their hard-earned money through asset protection planning that mitigates exposure to lawsuits, creditors, and other opportunists such as overly litigious individuals.
We Sweat the Small Stuff of Business Contracts
The details of the contracts your business enters with other companies and parties matter a great deal.
It is a mistake to assume you can represent yourself in negotiations in a pro se manner or prudently review the language of proposed contracts. It is also a grave mistake to rely on contract templates printed from the web.
Be safe rather than sorry by tapping into the expertise of Niswanger Law’s business planning services in Monroe, LA.
We draft and negotiate contracts ranging from ownership agreements to buy-sell agreements, by-laws, partnership agreements, and more. Our legal expertise also facilitates the buying of existing businesses, selling businesses, and buying out current owners.
If you are toying with the idea of admitting a new owner to your enterprise, consult with our Monroe, LA business planning specialists. We’ll provide the guidance you need to make the right decision and move forward within the confines of the law.
Contact Niswanger Law for Business Planning Services
Our business planning services for Monroe, LA enterprises are a call away.
Reach out to Niswanger Law today to learn more about how our legal team can help advance your company’s interests and bottom line. Give us a call at (318) 953-0071 to schedule a consultation.